Shawn & Blaire have questions. Literally, they have questions all the time. Mostly about running! For Your Run is an opportunity for them to ask those questions and peel back a few more layers when it comes to runners and their lives. In each episode Shawn & Blaire chat with other runners about the challenges they face both physically and mentally, along with many of the causes impacting and motivating the running community.

Additionally, they put together additional series known as For Your Run Pod+Class and For Your Run: The Reset. Pod+Class is a series of timed classes that runners can choose to take with Blaire & Shawn guiding them through the program for each episode! For Your Run: The Reset is all about having deeper discussions around mental health and the role it has in running and features Sabrina, who develops the topics and brings her psychology background to each episode!

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Latest Episodes

EP1: The Reset - Belonging

Welcome to Episode 1 of For Your Run: The Reset. In this episode Sabrina and Shawn discuss belonging. We all experience that feeling of being the odd one out at times ...

35: Katie Rey Returns

Katie is back to celebrate her milestone of 100 straight weeks of Ten on Tuesday! Hear Katie break down so much about this amazing accomplishment, what she says is the...

34: Andy Allen

Blaire and Shawn catch up with Andy to discuss how he found running, the ways in which it has changed him, along with a bit of a deep dive into easter candy, his love ...

33: Bekah Brigano

Bekah joins Blaire and Shawn to discuss her recent string of PR's, working on the mental aspects of running and how to reframe your approach to races, along with plent...

32: Hayley Richardson

Hayley joins Blaire and Shawn to discuss how she maintains balance in her seemingly forever busy life! Hayley is so inspiring in her dedication to start the day off on...

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